Saturday, September 11, 2010

Funny Ballerina

Imagine you are working out. You haven't done it in a while, but you think you should get back in to it. So, you get all ready and head to the gym. You start running on the elliptical or treadmill or maybe you decide to lift weights. You get all hot and sweaty and breathing hard. Now, what's the first thing you think about? Having your picture taken while you're doing it? I think NOT! However, this is what happened to me. Second day of class, we had a photographer in class to take pictures while we were dancing. Oh boy, I can't even imagine what they look like. Thankfully, I mostly forgot she was there, but that can make for some interesting photos.

Oh yeah and then add tights and a leotard and a slick back bun in the mix. The slickedness is not very becoming to my opinion

Some of you may know that I have a really tight neck. I don't know why it's so tight, but it is. I have a hard time looking any direction except forward. So, in class Thursday, when you do stuff to the front, you are supposed to look to the side over your shoulder a bit and tip your head back. So, my teacher was trying to get me to do this. She would twist my head and say "There" and then let go and I couldn't keep it there! So, she grabbed my head again and put it where she wanted it and was like "Yep, look right there over your shoulder" she let go and it went back again. I almost started laughing, which would have been not good. But then, I was able to force it back to a satisfactory position. I couldn't hold it too long because it felt like my neck muscle was going to pull out of my collar bone. I guess I need to work on stretching my neck more. Who knew?


  1. Ok so that is just too adorable girl! We miss you but its great to hear all about your adventures, Addasen wants Photos!

  2. andrea!!! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
    i'm SOO happy you are getting this experience and im so sad i didn't get to see you before you left but it's ok... proud of you! we will all hang out when you get back in GR.. we always do! HUGS! ~the fax sending dancer~

  3. Haha, thanks. Addasen wants photos? Of me dancing??? Or just in general here? I'm going to post some of the house at some point.

    Sarah Grace!!!! I know, it stinks cause I didn't get to hear all about China either :( But yeah, I'll keep you posted on this and sometime when I'm back we'll get together. So many adventures for our group!!! ~The fax sending gymnast~
