Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

First of all, Merry Christmas everyone!!!
It's been a super great break so far that consists mostly of holding my new, baby niece. It's crazy how you can love someone so much and all she does is lay there. Well, she's opened her eyes a few times, but she mostly sleeps. But the other morning when I was holding her I was just looking at her and it started me thinking about things.
Here's this little person, little girl, and she doesn't give a care at all what she looks like, what she's wearing or anything like that. She's part asian and part white, but it doesn't matter to her. She's 7lbs, 18.5 inches long but her size doesn't matter. She's 7 days old, She's a person. All she wants is to be held, to be loved and cared for. What would it look like if we loved and cared for people just because of who they are. We love this new child in our family just because she is, because she exists and she's a precious gift. Because God ordained her to be a part of our family. She hasn't done anything to deserve our love and, in fact, she's pretty much incapable of doing anything, yet we love her. What if we treated all people like that? Loving them for who they are. What if we lived like that, knowing we are loved by God and not so concerned with appearance and what people think and loving other people because God loves us completely.

Having her here has also helped me realize the magnitude of what Jesus came and did for us. We're trying to protect this little baby, washing out hands before holding her, keeping her in a warm room, monitoring the amount of people who come, having nice clean diapers and good cleaning stuff, keeping the dogs and cats away. Jesus didn't have any of that. He was born in a stable, with animals and hay for a bed. This baby can't do anything for herself, she's completely vulnerable and innocent, so was Jesus. It just amazes and overwhelms me the position he put himself in...the extent he went to for us. That Mary was given the responsibility to care for and raise her savior, the Savior of the world! The One who spoke this world into being came to us in obedience to the Father as a tiny, helpless baby. He went through life as we know it and lived perfectly so he could save us because he loves us. He loves us for us, just because we are, because he created us. We are his children and he loves us fully and completely even when we have done nothing to deserve his love, just because we are.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

MS Snowfall

I didn't think I'd have the opportunity to get back on here before the couple of weeks were up. And yes, it is 8:30 and I'm about to go to bed because Ms Tracey so kindly blessed us with a day off of ballet after having a performance and such yesterday. So, I have taken full advantage of the rest we were supposed to take since we didn't have ballet tonight.  I thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you of some little excitement in our house the other morning.
A strange thing happened for us this time of the year. All of my roommates and I got ready and were leaving the house at approximately the same time, I think yesterday...Tuesday??? No wait, yesterday was Wednesday. But, I really can't remember, I think it was yesterday. Yeah, cause we had a performance.
It's about 7:30 in the morning, you know, when most people go to work?
Anyways, I'm about about to leave when all of the sudden Rebecca yells, "IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!" and if only you were hearing me tell the story rather than read it, I could do her voice for you. Next thing I hear is some screaming and everyone rushing to the door trying to unlock it as fast as possible...we have three locks, so it's not the most simple thing to undo. But sure enough, they get the door open and go running outside and I of course follow. It was fun. Oh so many things happened in that moment, there was some crying, some dancing, some trying to catch the snow. But, I have to say that the best part was the neighbors....
Remember, I said it was like prime time for leaving for work. Yep, they were all lined up in their cars trying to turn off of our street. I look over and they are just staring at us like, "what is wrong with these people" and I just start laughing. Unfortunately, I was one of those people who had to leave for work so I couldn't stay to enjoy the overwhelming delight from the snow fall. My roommates (from Florida and North Carolina) say it was a blizzard, but my roommate (from Indiana) and I say it was a few flurries...we know better :) It was neat though because we don't really get snow here, so it really is quite a special moment even if it didn't stick or never does.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Andrew Ludwig" I'm Pretty Sure He's My Cousin

Monday, I go to the doctor because I have this weird hip thing going on where my muscle on the inside of my hip pops over my hip bone to the other side when I do certain movements. It feels quite strange, not normal and painful and I have to do this weird twisty thing with my leg to get it off my hip bone and back into place.
So I'm sitting there in this large waiting room of like 100 joke...and I'm just sitting there with a book out and my phone. This lady (nurse I guess) starts walking around this huge waiting room and calls out my name. Before I have a chance to gather all of my things, she starts bookin' it to another room that's behind this glass door and you have to push a special button to get in and all that. So, I try to hurry as fast as I can cause she's like on a mission to get me to this other room except I can't catch up cause she was already on the move before I even stood up. Plus, my hip is injured so it's quite hurting to walk.
Thankfully, I made it into the room before the door shut and this waiting room only had like ten people in it. One by one they start calling people in until it's only me and one other LADY left.
The nurse comes out and calls "Andrew Ludwig"
I look around, yep, it's only the other lady and I, so I stand up.
The nurse says "Is that you?"
I said, "Uh, yeah, I guess so"
She was like "oh, ok, well come on back"
Then she was like "Is that really your first name? What is your first name?"
"Well, it's Andrea, but that's ok"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I read your paper wrong"
I just wonder what the other lady in the room thought when I stood up to "Andrew"
See, the problem is that I just really have very bad handwriting and so I'm sure it looked like Andrew. But no worries, it's all straightened out now, they know I'm a girl and have a girl name. And the good news is that my hip will be ok.
On a side note, I made a taco salad for dinner and I'm so stuffed. It always happens when I make taco salads and I don't understand why they always get so huge. It doesn't happen when I make any other salad, only taco salads. I even had to garbage disposal some of it and I still feel like Thanksgiving full.
Well, we're in full blown Snow Queen mode now...sorta, just lots of stuff going on. So, you may not hear from me til Christmas break.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yep, I was the Turkey

Have I ever mentioned before that it's always interesting here? Pretty much, never a dull moment. Well, I just wanted to send a quick note because I am getting up at 4am to drive home for Thanksgiving!!!! I'm so excited that I get to go home tomorrow, I think everyone knows it. It's just gonna be a great time and this is, in fact, the longest I have ever not been at home, and I made it.
So, at Beagle Bagel, I work with people...go figure. And one person thought she would get me a gift, some massive feather earrings. Of course I had to wear them and so I wore them the day she got them for me and I was trying to make use of them another time. So, I had this brilliant idea for today. Most people have already jumped ahead to Christmas, like the bagel shop is already all decorated and all that, so I thought we should do something for Thanksgiving. I'm really looking forward to it since I get to go home, btw. She had gotten some earrings for other co-workers too, so we decided to dress up for Thanksgiving at work today.
A couple of people came as Indian Princesses, one of the regular customers came as a pilgrim and I was the turkey. Yep, I did my hair all turkey-like and wore my feather earrings and greeted every customer with a gobble...well, ok the last part isn't true. I think the idea kinda kerplunked because we had an unusually low tip day, but that coulda been coincidence. I mean, it was a brilliant idea, maybe just not received quite the way I anticipated. I had asked my boss if I could have a beak, but she said no. That must've been the problem.
Anyways, it was a great day and now I gotta go finish packing at get to bed so I can get up to drive in a couple of hours. We have a full car and it's gonna be a great time! I can't wait to see my family and my cute, little, cuddly kitty named Meow and have some good food and shopping and on and on and on.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! There are so many things to be Thankful for, more than we could ever even know probably :)

One of Those People

I thought it was appropriate to write a brief update before heading home for the holidays (as in Thanksgiving for a very brief period of time then I'll be back here). Anyways, I'm having a super nice, quiet, relaxing day today and enjoying every second of it. So, I'm gonna write here and then be productive...or just off the computer. Pandora's asked me twice now if I'm still listening or if it's playing to an empty room, I'm definitely still here. But, I haven't been sitting on the computer, it's been playing while I've been doing things.
On with the story... or normal happenings of my life. The past couple of months I've been feeling sick to my stomach, most days. So, recently, I started experimenting with food things to see if I could figure out what was going on. Every time I heard of someone having to go gluten free, I always prayed that it wouldn't happen to me. I didn't want to be one of those people because it didn't sound like any fun. Of course, I didn't want to experiment, so I started with lactose. I didn't have milk for like a week and nothing really changed. Then one night I ate a boat load of dairy stuff (probably not the best idea) and I told my roommate I might get really sick at night, but no worries, I knew what I was doing. Thankfully and unthankfully I didn't get really sick. That meant it was time to try the next thing....dun dun dun....GLUTEN.
No!!! I didn't want this to be it, but I dove in. I haven't been having gluten for over two weeks and I've only felt sick one day out of this. I think I might have discovered my problem. Which is good and not good at the same time, but it will be all right. It appears, I just may be one of those people. I've been wanting to try having gluten and see if I feel sick. I'm trying to find a good day to try it out, but so far I haven't found a "good day" to purposefully make myself feel sick (If I'm really allergic to that). Who would ever CHOOSE to be sick?
Anyways, I'm thankful cause I'm learning it's not so bad. Other than the bread tasting like you're eating handfuls of sand, you actually get some nice, special treatment. I was visiting my sister in Texas and we were starving, but they just had normal tortilla chips, but they made me special blue corn chips, it was so nice. Then last night, I went to Biaggis for a birthday party and you know how they give bread for the whole table?? Well, I got to have a plate all to myself. Then I also got my own menu and my meal came with these green noodles. Anyways, I don't really know if that's what I have or not, but the great thing is that I am not feeling sick anymore!!! I'm so thankful.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Are You Sure it's Not Plugged In???

I've been asked recently what has happened to my blog. So far, it's fallen to the bottom of the priority list, but I shall try to revive it. Sarah Kearns, this is for you. I'm most certain many eventful things have happened so far since I've been back here in Mississippi. But, I'll just have to tell you of the most recent happenings. We could call it a series of unfortunate events, but that might be too dramatic. So, I'll just tell you the story.
The first owners of this house thought it would be a great idea to install a security system in this house. I don't blame them in the least for wanting to do that. The next owners decided not to continue with the alarm system and just stick with the good ol' locks and deadbolts and we've followed in that pattern. The system is supposed to be disabled and it had been all of last year. Occasionally, being in the downstairs room last year, the keypad would beep at me, but not very often. For over a year (plus however many years the other people lived here before us) nothing has happened with that alarm system.
Well, one morning last week, the alarm system decided it was going to practice going off. Suddenly, at 5:30 in the morning, we hear the loudest, piercing, screeching noise we've ever heard in our lives. I have no idea what's going on cause as we all know, I don't do well in the early morning. The alarm system is "disabled" and so the only other option is fire alarm. I tell my roommate Emilie to get up, (or she would say I was yelling), and then I fling open Paige's door and tell her to get up and go downstairs. The noise box is right outside our bedroom door. So, then we all run downstairs and into Rebecca's room and she's still laying in bed, so I throw her her blanket and tell her to put it on cause I thought we might need to all go outside if it was a fire. Of course, I'm sure I was much more frantic than I am expressing here...
I look all over for a fire and don't find one, so I head upstairs to see where the noise is coming from because surely it can't be from the disabled alarm system. But, by golly, it is. I get on the phone with the company of the system, but it finally stopped going off. I spend some time with the lady trying to figure out the issue. She tells me to look for these different kind of boxes and I eventually find them. I was supposed to unplug a battery, but the battery was already on the ground and the cords are by the ceiling. So she tells me that the alarm shouldn't be going off, and I was like, I understand that, that's why I'm calling you because it is going off and it shouldn't be and I need your help to figure out why this is happening. Anyways, I did everything she said to that I could figure out and she was like, well, call back if it happens again.
8:30am, we're all getting ready for ballet and here comes the loudest siren ever, AGAIN! So, I get on the phone, explain the whole thing all over again. She tells me to look for this little box, either in the basement...we don't have one, in the laundry room...we don't have one, in a's not in there. I end up being on the phone with her for 40 min and then I was like, "well, I have to go because we have a performance right now, so I'll have to call you back when we're done."
3:00 No more alarm, but I call back because I do not want the thing to go off again. Unfortunately, this is now the 3rd different person I am talking to, so I go over the whole thing again. She tells me that I should unattatch the cords that go to the box where the siren was going off. "You want me to pull them out of the ceiling???" Well, maybe the other end where it connects. "I can't do that, I'll get electrocuted because they're in like the motherboard and I can't cut the wire" I can't figure it out, so just call again if it goes off again because there's no reason it should be going off.
6am following morning. The siren goes off for a third time. I'm quite exhausted by now. So, I give a call again and go over the whole thing. He asks if I've checked this and that and I say yes yes yes. Same questions every time with the same answers. Well, finally he suggests that it could be plugged in in the attic. Ding ding ding!!! I forgot we even had an attic because I've never been up there. But, it's 6 in the morning and who knows what's up there. I was afraid of finding cockroaches or spiders or something. Thankfully, there was nothing of that sort in there. I found where it was plugged in and was like bingo!...but not that easy. It wasn't just plugged in to the outlet, it was screwed in. I climb down the ladder, downstairs, grab a screwdriver, head back up and unscrew and unplug it. Finally done, or so I thought. I climb down the attic ladder and close it all up, only to look up and see that the I left the attic light on. I pull the attic door thing back down, climb up, switch off the light, climb back down and close everything up.
The best new is, that so far we've gone for a week without it going off again. Why it never went off for several years and all the sudden went off 3 times in 2 days at crazy early hours of the morning, we will never know. But, I think we're all good for now. My ears have returned to normal and our house is at peace once again.
I will be doing my best to try and share more of the happenings here in MS because it's always an adventure.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back again

Well, my blog has ker-plunked. Seriously badly. At the beginning of the year (last fall) I thought it was too good to be true how well I was keeping up with it. So, this is more typical, but I am going to attempt to return to my untypical ways of updating it regularly and see how well that goes.

The second semester of ballet was like a ballet marathon...especially towards the end. It was really good and fun, but it didn't leave much time for computer. Plus my computer is old and so it takes like 20 min to load a page (remember the old AOL dial-up? that's what it feels like) so most of the time I just give up and don't get on. But yeah, lots of great times in the ballet world. We had lots of performances at nursing homes and churches. We had our recital, which was great and tons of fun!!! Then a few of us went to Birmingham to help run a workshop there and then we had our own workshop at Ballet Magnificat! in July. This is the workshop I went to that got me to stay in Mississippi in the first place. I met some great people again this year and had a great experience, especially with the creative worships and Bible studies. So Mid-July I got to come home.

I've been home in Michigan for about 4 weeks now and time seems to be flying by. I've gotten to see a few people and re-connect with them and have spent a lot of my time with my family which has been so good. This past week, I got to teach dance at an arts camp and I loved it. I had a group of 10 girls and then a group with 6 boys and 8 girls. I've spent quite a bit of time in Traverse City jet skiing, wakeboarding, boating, tubing, laying out on the beach, know, the normal camping things. Haha, in our air conditioned trailer with a shower and washer and dryer and cable.

I only have three left and they are pretty well packed with some fun stuff and not so fun stuff, but necessary. The fun stuff being, hanging out with my sisters, my brother's birthday, Traverse City with my faves, and that sort of thing. The not so fun part is that I have to get my wisdom teeth out next week. I'll try to post something about that. One of my friends is taking me, so we'll see what she has to say about what I say or do. Could be interesting.

Oh yeah! I am also 25 now. Guess what I got for my birthday...that's right, POINTE SHOES!!!! Not exactly what I want, but absolutely what I need, so I am very thankful. I mean, I do want them........

Anyways, I s'pose that's good for now. Gonna go hang out with Jessy now before she moves to Oklahoma. I should be around again sometime in these next few weeks before I head back to MS. Maybe even with pics, I'm just currently on my mom's computer with none of my pics because it's just so much faster than mine. So when I have time and patience, I will upload some. Ok, for real, bye.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Indoor Tobaganning Disaster

Right when I got back from Christmas break, I got to have a sleep over with my faves!!! It was so great to see them for more than a couple of hours. We got to see each other lots and did tons of fun things together. First, we met up and headed downtown to go ice skating. We had gone once before when they were in like 5th or 6th grade and so we figured we were due for a do-over. The first time we went, it was a new experience for several of the girls, quite hilarious. Even though they have a little more experience now, it was still quite humorous.
I would take them individually by the hand and skate around as fast as I could and they would freak out. It was pretty funny and thankfully no one fell and we didn't run into anyone while we did that. Now, for the rest of the you can see there were a few falls, but nothing that would cause for serious injury, thankfully. We also all skated in a line and we would have to break apart to avoid running over the fallen skaters. You know, when you go to Rosa parks and it only costs a dollar total to skate and rent skates, let's just say you don't encounter the most experienced skaters.

After the ice skating episode, we took a family photo by the giant christmas tree. It just so happened that Andrew, Emma's brother, was walking by at the exact moment, so we didn't have to ask a stranger to take the awkward family photo. That's always a little strange. Look, don't we smile pretty???? In this particular photo, the correct answer is no, haha.

Then we headed to Biggby to get a warm up before we went and got our nails done...a new experience for some. I have pictures of that, but they are less than thrilling because we're just sitting there either sticking out our hands or feet. But, since several of us are doing pointe, we were like, "Uh NO! Please don't scrape off the callouses, I actually want them and need them. I know it's weird, just please leave them there!!!!" Oh, well, actually my sister said I needed to post a picture of my toenails because "it's something I would do" so I guess I'll do that. I apologized to the lady who did mine for them being so ugly, but she didn't mind...except I'm sure she said something to her co-workers that I couldn't understand. So yes, this is what they look like from pointe and in case you're wondering, they do hurt.

From there we went to our final destination, the Carlson's where we would spend the night...after getting chinese food and heading to walgreens while we waited for chinese where Jessica got her groove on going through the aisles. Jessica had brought a mummy sleeping bag...I think she was the only one out of all of us to bring a sleeping bag. And somehow we had the brilliant idea to go tobaganning down the staircase. It started out great where Pants was inside the sleeping bag and Emma, in her sleeper, dragged behind. Then we did it with Pants on the outside, but she was wearing shorts and didn't slide and just got a rug burn so she let go. Then I made a tunnel for Emma to go under. Then, it happened. Both Aubrye and Emma went inside the sleeping bag together. They sat down and pushed off. They got going so fast that they one of their feet went through the wall!!!!!!!! Thankfully, Mrs Carlson was very cool about it and just laughed and said it wasn't the first time it had happened. It really was so funny and the girls couldn't stop laughing when they were trying to tell her what happened. I have it on video and I'll try and upload it, but here's a picture in case it doesn't work. It is on my facebook. 
We just spent the rest of the evening enjoying each others' company. We played some dance game, did the traditional grape monkey face, exchanged gifts, watched movies...and I slept. There was a funny joke during the gift giving part because I got them a mug with pictures from the summer on it and last year I did a calendar. So I took a picture of them with their gifts and they were like "Oh, this has to be a good one because who knows when it will show up again. You never know what gift it might appear on and you don't want it to come back and bite you".
But, really, I don't always get them picture presents. But, they said they liked getting them. We'll see what next year turns out as. I had such a good time with them though. I really love them a lot and miss them tons when I'm here. It's hard that they're all in high school and doing various things and I'm not there to be at their dance or see their recitals or be at church with them. But it's cool cause we get to talk on the phone and text and facebook and we have a super fun time when we do get to see each other. I heard they are planning a trip to Issimippi and I have a sneaky suspicion that might be somewhere close to Mississippi!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

From dancing queen to hair queen.

A while back I posted some pictures about practicing hair for an upcoming production. We had that production right before we left for Christmas break. I was put in charge of the group of kids who all had to have their hair done similar to pippi longstocking and it was quite a trip to get them all changed from ringlet curly heads to braids sticking out. But, we managed each time. I was thankful for some of my fellow classmates who would assist me in changing all of them.

I was a Russian dancer, so once the ballet started, I would get my braids in and costume on and then I would head down to the green room and start working on getting all of the kids ready. Haha, it was funny cause many of them would request me and I was like, I'll do whoever is ready. Apparently, I was good at making it nice and tight without hurting them too bad. We had to braid it around wire which made it challenging. I don't really actually know what I'm doing with hair, but I just experiment and it often turns out. Haha, it's funny because I've become the hair/nail person here. It's good because I enjoy doing it, it's fun!
     One day, Bria and Chandler spent the day with me. We went to watch my roommates and friends perform at a nursing home. Then we went over to their house and made christmas shaped brownies to share with our dressing room. It was much more challenging than I thought, but here's the end results.
 I guess you can't really see them all that well, but everyone liked them. We shared them with the other upstairs dressing room too, which was all of my class and all of the trainees.
Me and Bethany as Russian Dancers

My roommates and I getting ready for the show.

This is my buddy, Bethany. We have a super great time together. She's really not that much shorter than me, but she looks like it in this picture, haha. Actually, we discovered that when we sit down side by side, she's a couple of inches taller than me. But then when we stand up, my legs make up the difference. So either she has really short legs or mine are really long or her body is long and my is short, or some sort of combination of the 4.
Christmas dream was cool, though. Some cool stuff happened that challenged all of us and it makes me really excited for this next semester. It's gonna be stellar!

Here's me with all of my roommates! We wanted to get a picture all in costume, but that didn't work out. Also, when Paige's face wasn't all black. She was a fly in the first act and so it isn't the prettiest make up ever, but at least we have a picture all together. I can't wait for all of them to be back from Christmas break!!!!! But it was really fun to be able to perform and be on stage with them. I always go watch their performances when I can, but this time we all got to dance. I very much enjoyed getting to be with them for devotions, too. I just love them all very much!!!! This week was a super great one for our house, just lots of sweet time together and good talks. I can't wait to all be in the house again and to be able to spend this next semester growing closer, becoming better friends, and deepening our relationships with each other. They're awesome girls and I am so blessed to be able to live with each one of them.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Spirit

When Squirt and got back from Thanksgiving, we were determined to get a Christmas tree. The idea of getting one/decorating before Thanksgiving was strongly vetoed, but we wanted to get one quickly after because we only had a couple of weeks to enjoy it. Unfortunately, all the roommates were not available to pick it out, so Squirt and I jumped in the car and drove off to find one...and we had no idea where. We just started driving around. Eventually we called Rachel I think and then our friend Erin and we were able to locate a place that had trees...home depot. People do it differently here, you don't go march into the woods with your saw and cut it down. You just go buy one.

So, we did. We pulled out like 30 different trees and finally decided on one. We picked the two most indecisive people to do this job, but Squirt did well. I don't think I did because I didn't have much of an opinion but I should've had more, but it worked. The tree is super. The nice home depot man put the stand on it for us and loaded it into my car and everything. Then we went to target to pick out lights cause Squirt's mom had already gotten us some ornaments. But we also went to Michael's and got a few more.

We got home and I carried the tree in and we took the wrapping stuff on it (this is a real tree we're talking about). Squirt noticed that it was crooked, so then we worked to get it upright. This is a picture of Squirt frustrated because we put the lights on the tree and they didn't look right so we took them off. Then we put them on again, but they looked bad so we took them off. We put them on a third time and they stayed on but we adjusted them to look just right. Can we say perfectionistic at all???? Both of us, not just her :)

Then came the ornaments. I never knew I could be so particular about the placement of the ornaments, but if they're out of place to too close together they just don't look right. I can even tell you the number of times we readjusted the ornaments. But it looked so pretty when it was done. We had a great time. We were jammin to some Christmas music, it was super.

Ok, but then, we really needed to get the pine needles cleaned up because it was not such a good idea to leave them on the floor. We can't find the vacuum, but then end locating it and I start vacuuming and nothing is coming up. So, I UNPLUG IT, smart I know, and flip it over to try and diagnose the problem, haha, yeah right. Well, actually I did. I saw my dad do this before, but there was a lot of stuff wrapped around the turny thing with the brushes on it. So, I got scissors and started cutting that off. I got it all and then we noticed that the belt was broken...when you don't have a spare, that is not a quick fix.

So, we call our friends at the wheatley estates..."hi do you have a vacuum?" Uh yeah. "great can we borrow it, we need it pronto" Sure. "Ok, we'll be there in one minute" and we drove over to their house and got the vacuum. It was very important to have the needles vacuumed up before roommates got home. Thankfully the Wheatley estates saved us. We got the vacuum, brought it inside, vacuumed all the needles, returned the vacuum and made it back before our roommates got home.

Finished!!!! Somehow I was elected as the tree-waterer. I failed miserably at first and I'm pretty certain my roommate, Taralah bailed me out on occasion. I know my other roommates reminded me also. We must've picked out a hearty tree though cause I'm back from two weeks of no watering and it's still very much alive. The pine needles are still on and soft and don't fall off when I touch the branch. I tried watering it, but I'm not sure if it will do any good anymore, but we'll see. We're allowed to keep our tree up longer since we missed out on two weeks of tree-seeing enjoyment :)

Merry Christmas from the Short House.

Fasting from Fast Food

Yep, that's right. I think no more fast food in my life for a while. I never really eat it, but the week of Christmas Dream, we were trying not to buy groceries and stuff cause we were all heading home. So, after the shows my roommates would be hungry and so we would want to go somewhere. They basically dared me to eat something. I think we went to taco bell once and chick fil a. Really, I don't think I've had taco bell very much at all. I remember it a few times growing up, but it was not a restaurant we frequented. So, I had that. Then at chick fil a they ordered for me cause apparently there's some stuff that was good. And it was, I just don't normally have it. I don't think Michigan even has chick fil as. I wonder if there are fast food places Michigan has that Mississippi doesn't??? Anyone know?

Well, today, I just got back and didn't feel like going to the store because it was such a long drive and I was hungry so I just went to Wendy's. It's just not super. I'm, thankfully, not sick or anything, but I definitely don't feel stellar. I allowed myself to have a pop as a treat (cause I rarely have it due to the badness for the bones) and I barely drank any of it cause I didn't like it. Haha, I couldn't even eat all of what I got cause it was too much...I'm not even sure the word. So, yeah, I will be retiring fast food from the menu for quite some time.

Let's just say, I am looking forward to grocery shopping. Actually, I love grocery shopping. I hope when I get married and have kids I still enjoy it as much as I do now. I like to spend a couple of hours in the store...I don't necessarily buy more than I need, I just enjoy looking. Weird, I know, but there are so many options, it's great! I took the day off of work to get re-settled back in to Mississippi. So now I can have plenty of time in the grocery store before ballet.

It's been long enough

Ok, I think another blog update is in order. I learned, when I was home for the holiday, that my blog is quite entertaining. But, just to assure all of you readers, I just write what really happens and what comes to mind. So, here goes it...
Before I left to come home for Christmas and such, we had quite drastic weather changes. One day, was quite a windy day and so they set off the tornado alarm cause I guess one was sighted in our town or something. I always forget if those are warnings or watches. All I know is that the siren goes off tons of times in GR and we never do anything about it. Ok, ok, one time we got woken up to go into the basement, but that's it. Tornadoes are not quite so common here, so my roommates were a little more of the panicked variety. We don't have a basement here, so my bathroom is the "safest" place to hide.

There was also one day when it got really cold and it "snowed". I forgot that people here get very excited about the snow. They were all telling me, "I bet it's gonna snow today!" "Did you hear we might get snow" "Aren't you so excited that it's going to snow" Haha, I just looked at them and was like, oh right, this is an exciting thing, I forgot. So then I would try to be excited. I was at work and they were like, LOOK! It's snowing. If I hadn't have looked at that particular moment, I would've missed it. I don't think our weather man would even report it. Maybe "a few flurries" if we were lucky.  Haha, but it was fun, they enjoyed it.

Yeah, and then before I left it was in the 50s. I drove back tonight and it's 40 something, so I'm thinking it's still staying warmish, but I don't really know. I haven't stayed up to date on the MS weather. As a matter of fact, someone asked me what the weather/driving conditions were going to be like on my way home and I had no idea. I just knew I had to drive today, so it didn't really matter what I would encounter cause I had to drive.

My joints tell me when the weather changes, so the drastic changes are kinda weird. But everything definitely likes the warmer weather, so hopefully it will stay warmish. I experienced enough frigidness and snow when I was in GR so I'm ready for a southern winter. Not a wanna-be northern winter :)