Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yep, I was the Turkey

Have I ever mentioned before that it's always interesting here? Pretty much, never a dull moment. Well, I just wanted to send a quick note because I am getting up at 4am to drive home for Thanksgiving!!!! I'm so excited that I get to go home tomorrow, I think everyone knows it. It's just gonna be a great time and this is, in fact, the longest I have ever not been at home, and I made it.
So, at Beagle Bagel, I work with people...go figure. And one person thought she would get me a gift, some massive feather earrings. Of course I had to wear them and so I wore them the day she got them for me and I was trying to make use of them another time. So, I had this brilliant idea for today. Most people have already jumped ahead to Christmas, like the bagel shop is already all decorated and all that, so I thought we should do something for Thanksgiving. I'm really looking forward to it since I get to go home, btw. She had gotten some earrings for other co-workers too, so we decided to dress up for Thanksgiving at work today.
A couple of people came as Indian Princesses, one of the regular customers came as a pilgrim and I was the turkey. Yep, I did my hair all turkey-like and wore my feather earrings and greeted every customer with a gobble...well, ok the last part isn't true. I think the idea kinda kerplunked because we had an unusually low tip day, but that coulda been coincidence. I mean, it was a brilliant idea, maybe just not received quite the way I anticipated. I had asked my boss if I could have a beak, but she said no. That must've been the problem.
Anyways, it was a great day and now I gotta go finish packing at get to bed so I can get up to drive in a couple of hours. We have a full car and it's gonna be a great time! I can't wait to see my family and my cute, little, cuddly kitty named Meow and have some good food and shopping and on and on and on.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! There are so many things to be Thankful for, more than we could ever even know probably :)

One of Those People

I thought it was appropriate to write a brief update before heading home for the holidays (as in Thanksgiving for a very brief period of time then I'll be back here). Anyways, I'm having a super nice, quiet, relaxing day today and enjoying every second of it. So, I'm gonna write here and then be productive...or just off the computer. Pandora's asked me twice now if I'm still listening or if it's playing to an empty room, I'm definitely still here. But, I haven't been sitting on the computer, it's been playing while I've been doing things.
On with the story... or normal happenings of my life. The past couple of months I've been feeling sick to my stomach, most days. So, recently, I started experimenting with food things to see if I could figure out what was going on. Every time I heard of someone having to go gluten free, I always prayed that it wouldn't happen to me. I didn't want to be one of those people because it didn't sound like any fun. Of course, I didn't want to experiment, so I started with lactose. I didn't have milk for like a week and nothing really changed. Then one night I ate a boat load of dairy stuff (probably not the best idea) and I told my roommate I might get really sick at night, but no worries, I knew what I was doing. Thankfully and unthankfully I didn't get really sick. That meant it was time to try the next thing....dun dun dun....GLUTEN.
No!!! I didn't want this to be it, but I dove in. I haven't been having gluten for over two weeks and I've only felt sick one day out of this. I think I might have discovered my problem. Which is good and not good at the same time, but it will be all right. It appears, I just may be one of those people. I've been wanting to try having gluten and see if I feel sick. I'm trying to find a good day to try it out, but so far I haven't found a "good day" to purposefully make myself feel sick (If I'm really allergic to that). Who would ever CHOOSE to be sick?
Anyways, I'm thankful cause I'm learning it's not so bad. Other than the bread tasting like you're eating handfuls of sand, you actually get some nice, special treatment. I was visiting my sister in Texas and we were starving, but they just had normal tortilla chips, but they made me special blue corn chips, it was so nice. Then last night, I went to Biaggis for a birthday party and you know how they give bread for the whole table?? Well, I got to have a plate all to myself. Then I also got my own menu and my meal came with these green noodles. Anyways, I don't really know if that's what I have or not, but the great thing is that I am not feeling sick anymore!!! I'm so thankful.