Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fasting from Fast Food

Yep, that's right. I think no more fast food in my life for a while. I never really eat it, but the week of Christmas Dream, we were trying not to buy groceries and stuff cause we were all heading home. So, after the shows my roommates would be hungry and so we would want to go somewhere. They basically dared me to eat something. I think we went to taco bell once and chick fil a. Really, I don't think I've had taco bell very much at all. I remember it a few times growing up, but it was not a restaurant we frequented. So, I had that. Then at chick fil a they ordered for me cause apparently there's some stuff that was good. And it was, I just don't normally have it. I don't think Michigan even has chick fil as. I wonder if there are fast food places Michigan has that Mississippi doesn't??? Anyone know?

Well, today, I just got back and didn't feel like going to the store because it was such a long drive and I was hungry so I just went to Wendy's. It's just not super. I'm, thankfully, not sick or anything, but I definitely don't feel stellar. I allowed myself to have a pop as a treat (cause I rarely have it due to the badness for the bones) and I barely drank any of it cause I didn't like it. Haha, I couldn't even eat all of what I got cause it was too much...I'm not even sure the word. So, yeah, I will be retiring fast food from the menu for quite some time.

Let's just say, I am looking forward to grocery shopping. Actually, I love grocery shopping. I hope when I get married and have kids I still enjoy it as much as I do now. I like to spend a couple of hours in the store...I don't necessarily buy more than I need, I just enjoy looking. Weird, I know, but there are so many options, it's great! I took the day off of work to get re-settled back in to Mississippi. So now I can have plenty of time in the grocery store before ballet.


  1. I LOOOOOOVE grocery shopping! And I was glad you could stop by when you were in town! Thanks for coming to see me. :)
