Wednesday, January 5, 2011

From dancing queen to hair queen.

A while back I posted some pictures about practicing hair for an upcoming production. We had that production right before we left for Christmas break. I was put in charge of the group of kids who all had to have their hair done similar to pippi longstocking and it was quite a trip to get them all changed from ringlet curly heads to braids sticking out. But, we managed each time. I was thankful for some of my fellow classmates who would assist me in changing all of them.

I was a Russian dancer, so once the ballet started, I would get my braids in and costume on and then I would head down to the green room and start working on getting all of the kids ready. Haha, it was funny cause many of them would request me and I was like, I'll do whoever is ready. Apparently, I was good at making it nice and tight without hurting them too bad. We had to braid it around wire which made it challenging. I don't really actually know what I'm doing with hair, but I just experiment and it often turns out. Haha, it's funny because I've become the hair/nail person here. It's good because I enjoy doing it, it's fun!
     One day, Bria and Chandler spent the day with me. We went to watch my roommates and friends perform at a nursing home. Then we went over to their house and made christmas shaped brownies to share with our dressing room. It was much more challenging than I thought, but here's the end results.
 I guess you can't really see them all that well, but everyone liked them. We shared them with the other upstairs dressing room too, which was all of my class and all of the trainees.
Me and Bethany as Russian Dancers

My roommates and I getting ready for the show.

This is my buddy, Bethany. We have a super great time together. She's really not that much shorter than me, but she looks like it in this picture, haha. Actually, we discovered that when we sit down side by side, she's a couple of inches taller than me. But then when we stand up, my legs make up the difference. So either she has really short legs or mine are really long or her body is long and my is short, or some sort of combination of the 4.
Christmas dream was cool, though. Some cool stuff happened that challenged all of us and it makes me really excited for this next semester. It's gonna be stellar!

Here's me with all of my roommates! We wanted to get a picture all in costume, but that didn't work out. Also, when Paige's face wasn't all black. She was a fly in the first act and so it isn't the prettiest make up ever, but at least we have a picture all together. I can't wait for all of them to be back from Christmas break!!!!! But it was really fun to be able to perform and be on stage with them. I always go watch their performances when I can, but this time we all got to dance. I very much enjoyed getting to be with them for devotions, too. I just love them all very much!!!! This week was a super great one for our house, just lots of sweet time together and good talks. I can't wait to all be in the house again and to be able to spend this next semester growing closer, becoming better friends, and deepening our relationships with each other. They're awesome girls and I am so blessed to be able to live with each one of them.

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