Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to update you?

Hmmm, it's about time to update the blog, but what to say???

I think the best way to start is to say that this was a challenging week. But, God helped me get through it. He gave me the strength to do things by the end of the week that I thought impossible at the beginning. He gave me the courage to keep trying. I worked really hard and had encouraging friends who helped me gain confidence. The week ended on such a high note and I am so thankful. "The Lord is My Strength", right Ms. Tracey?, and he was this week and I needed Him.

I had three days off of work in a row which was a blessing in one sense and not so much in another. For some reason, I was not able to sleep well at all this week. I would wake up during the night and then also be up early in the morning. You all know how well I do with little sleep, haha, enough said. Anyways, so it was great to have some time off of work and I could go to the gym and lay out by the pool there and that was really needed. At the same time, time off doesn't pay the bills. Hopefully, this does not become a regular occurrence because I can't afford that. We'll see what happens.

We've finished one month of ballet, three weeks of pointe. It's so crazy that it's going by so fast. I can't believe we're already done with one month and we perform in two weeks!!! If you wouldn't mind, continue to pray for my body. It's doing a lot of things it hasn't done before. So far so good still, but I still need help staying healed and healthy because I am not yet doing everything I would like to.

Oh, but I can throw in a funny story here, because things still do happen. So, I was over at my friend's house, I think I was just hanging out. I don't think it was for any particular reason. Then I stayed for the family birthday party even though I'm not technically a part of the family, but I am in spirit. Anyways, I was there later than anticipated and, once again, we know what that means. So I decided to stay the night. I go to bed just fine, get up in the middle of the night, and then go back to bed. When I wake up and get out of bed, there is a dead cockroach under me!!!! It was so gross, I slept on a cockroach. I am so glad I didn't know it was there until I was done sleeping.

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