Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The meow is Re-located

I'm in my kitchen after ballet making my dinner. Two of my roommates were home and the other wasn't yet. Ballet was hard, but good, so I was really focused on making my dinner. Oh yeah, this is late at night like 8:15ish because I get out of ballet at 7:30, so it's dark out. All of the sudden, I heard a meow from outside. I was like, "whatever" and kept working on dinner. I thought it was maybe just some people trying to be funny; interesting folks we have here in Jackson. But, the meow happened again and it had been a little while so I didn't think strangers would still be hanging around outside. So, I was like, "Very funny, Squirt, stop trying to make me think you're a cat outside" because she would stay out there long enough til I looked. I still refused to look because I thought she was going to pop up from the bushes and say she tricked me. It kept meowing though, so finally I opened the kitchen blinds and there was a cat sitting on my window sill.
It had a collar on, so then I started thinking, "what if someone planted the cat there just to get me to go outside??" So I texted my roommate and told her I was going to see the cat outside and I walked closely to the fence so I could grab onto it if necessary. Thankfully, all of the outdoor lights were on and there was no one there, just the cat. I looked at the collar and got a number off of it and called. I was thinking, "someone is gonna answer and just wants my address so they can come and get me!!!" The number was out of service and I was like, "Oh great! This poor cat is at my house and my roommates are allergic and I'm not allowed to have pets in the rental house, what am I going to do?!?!?! I can't just leave it outside." But, there was another number, so I gave that a call and this young, sweet girl answered...so relieved. I was like, "Are you missing your cat?" and she was like YES!!! A black one? And I was like, yeah, his name is Leroy. It ended up that she lived on the same street as me, but the cat had been gone for like a week.
So yes, she was very excited to have her cat back and I felt like a hero! It did make me miss my little kitty, Meow, back at home. But I'm sure she's doing just fine.


  1. ohh andrea that is so awesome. cant wait to see you soon
    ~ huggs and kisses, emma

  2. I know! 11 more weeks. That's less than three months!!!!!!
